SPES Historical Fencing

About SPES Historical Fencing Gear:

“SPES Historical Fencing Gear was founded in Poland and originally we made clothes and arming garments for medieval re-enactment. But, as we started to train in Historical European Martial Arts (or HEMA), we saw the serious lack of protective clothing available. With that in mind, we expanded into this vacuum.

It was in 2007 that our first piece of equipment was designed. It was made for Fechtschule Gdansk with input from Andrzej Zmuda Trzebiatowski and Jan Chodkiewicz. Since then, SPES Historical Fencing Gear has collaborated with many other fencing schools in Poland and Sweden to come up with products that served their specific needs. All of our protective products are extensively tested and designed with the fencer in mind. We have many years of experience in creating protective clothing.

All of our products are created with the HEMA fencer in mind. We listen to what fencing schools have to say about what they need and also gather relevant information from other sources. With this vast store of knowledge available, we are constantly designing new equipment and modifying old protectors to make them better. All of our products have passed rigorous testing through free fencing and tournament play by our collaborators and ourselves. We do this so you know that our equipment is safe and comfortable to use for your training.

SPES Historical Fencing wishes to help the growth in the HEMA community in North America. Working off the suggestions of others, we have opened up a local branch to offer our products to not only the USA, but also to Canada and Mexico. We hope this will make it easier for North American HEMA fighters to get the protective gear they need.

If you think that our products need to be upgraded or if you would like to see something new, please don’t hesitate in contacting us. All opinions and suggestions are more than welcome.

We are open to any cooperation with fencing groups. All it takes is an email and we would be glad to welcome you into the group of SPES Historical Fencing Gear’s friends.”

From the SPES website

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