We are mainly a web-based company. You can also find us as vendors with tables of merchandise at seminars, conventions, tournaments, and training camps. We will continually expand our online catalog as customer input is received and analyzed. We try to feature products that have wide appeal, but we encourage you to e-mail us with any suggestions that you may have!
For those who have searched for quality wooden European style swords as training tools in martial-arts, recreational combat, or living-history, these will easily hold up to the rigor of strenuous drills and exercises, or contact practice. These wasters are offered at significantly lower prices than other manufacturers! What is considered custom to them is standard to us.
In recent years we have expanded our product line to sparring swords and protective gear. We have engineered the finest sparring long and short swords in the world, and these are being used at tournaments all over the world. We are now importing the best protective gear to make this martial art safer and more available to everyone.
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