Guard Matchups

Guards are an integral part of the RDL (Ringeck, Danzig, Lew) texts. We are told to fence from the four guards, we are given techniques to execute from the guards, and we are also given an answer to each of the guards should your opponent be holding one of them. However, these ideas are only the beginning of the story when fencing a live opponent. This class will explore ideas regarding how to proceed in a situation where your opponent has studied the same texts as you have, and knows the proper response the guard that you are in. We will discuss ways in which you can attack with the proper technique even if your opponent knows it is coming, and also variations based on other ideas from the glosses.

Prerequisites: Knowledge of an RDL gloss is highly beneficial. Fairly beginner friendly, but you probably won’t benefit from it if this is your first time picking up a sword.

Required equipment: Full speed sparring kit is required for this class

Location: 2 (Main Field, Lanes 3&4) Date: September 28, 2019 Time: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Stephen Cheney